She is thin , generally tall and long legged , and above all young 最重要的一点是她正值妙龄。
In this case , they are also called long legged harvestmen 在这种情况下,他们也被称为“长腿收成者” 。
And the long legged stork was there with them , with her feathers white , her crest held high , and all in her bright compassionate eye 她说:不,我是认真的想一想吧,下星期他回来,他说:
10 all “ beautiful ” women in television commercials conform to the norm by which one is suppose to be thin , generally tall and long legged , and have no lines or wrinkles , and no scars or blemishes 9所有在电视广告中出现的“靓”女均都符合这样一种标准:一名女子应该身材苗条,高挑个,双腿修长,她的皮肤应该天生丽质,没有皱纹,没有疤痕,没有暇疵。